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Saved by MightyGoaT
on March 16, 2015 at 11:17:12 pm



MightyGoat the name was never meant to be. MG originally started out as Cytron in sc1, Sir.Bad in many games and Lord.Gator in Diablo 1. Flint Fireforge.  Mightygoat was a noob toon he created to trick people in Ultima Online (the greatest game ever). When he later tried to not use the name MightGoat anymore Soup said he wouldn't play unless he used the name MightyGoat.





Shot Caller and leading the team to death. 


Favorite Games


  • Ultima Online
  • Sc1
  • LoL 
  • Lord of the WitchKing 




First of BCG to get to GOLD 1





Was forced to always call the shots in Left for Dead. One day he made Soup call the shots in the game. Soup became petrified when MG wouldn't talk and screamed for help. Help eventually came. 


Has purchased over $5,000 in computer games at soups request. Has gotten about $100 value out of them other than LoL. 


Gave a speech at Lugnutz wedding and just talked about how good mark is at vid

eo games. 




Fav Characters







Liu Kang

Night Hawk


Lvl 100 Shadow Priestess 

Over 100 hours as medic in tf2
















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